AD International are one of the prominent suppliers of Farm Fresh Red Onions Nationally and Internationally in India. We deliver premium quality Fresh Red onions packed in food grade bags approved by APEDA. We source farm fresh red onions direct from certified, trusted & reliable farmers of Maharashtra. The farm fresh red onion that we supply is stored in our well-ventilated MSAMB's warehouse. We maintain high quality standards and ensure that various crucial parameters such as freshness, purity, taste, appearance, etc. are up to the international standard. Our hygienically assured farm fresh red onions are available in various counts and sizes as per our client's requirement.
Maharashtra ranks first in onion production with a share of 28.32%. Indian onions are famous for their pungency and are available throughout the year. There are two crop cycles, first harvesting of onions start in November to January and the second harvesting start from January to May. India is the world’s largest seller of onions to Asian countries. Buyers of Indian onions are Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Nepal, Qatar, Philippines, Kuwait, Indonesia and Oman.
AD International are one of the prominent suppliers of Farm Fresh Tomatoes Nationally and Internationally in India. We deliver premium quality Fresh Tomatoes packed in food grade bags approved by APEDA. We source farm fresh Tomatoes direct from certified, trusted & reliable farmers of Maharashtra. The farm fresh Tomatoes that we supply is stored in state of the art well-ventilated MSAMB's warehouse. We maintain high quality standards and ensure that various crucial parameters such as freshness, purity, taste, appearance, etc. are up to the international standard.
Criteria and description of grades and sizing of Farm Fresh Tomatoes are done as per AGMARK Standard. Grade Designation are classified as Extra Class, Class 1, Class 2. Export tomatoes are packed in consumer packs of LDPE or PP (polypropylene). Twenty consumer packs of 250 gm are placed in a 5 Kg Corrugated Fiber Board (CFB) box. High yielding F1 hybrids are being cultivated by farmers on a quite good scale. Farm Fresh Tomatoes are available for export throughout the year and are grown in certified farms in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
Fresh Tomatoes are hand-picked in their mature, half ripe stage to reach the final destination safely. Our quality control team selects those tomatoes which are plump and firm with smooth, shiny skin, with uniform. We avoid tomatoes with cuts, bruises, soft spots, or mold. Our Farm Fresh Tomatoes can be enjoyed raw or cooked. India stands at fourth position in production of tomatoes next to China, U.S.A. and Turkey.
AD International are one of the prominent suppliers of Farm Fresh G4 Green Chilly Nationally and Internationally in India. We deliver premium quality Fresh G4 Green Chilly packed in food grade bags approved by APEDA. We source farm fresh G4 Green Chilly direct from GlobalGAP certified, trusted & reliable farmers of Maharashtra. The farm Fresh G4 Green Chilly that we supply is stored and packed in state of art well-ventilated MSAMB's warehouse and packhouse. We maintain high quality standards and ensure that various crucial parameters such as freshness, purity, taste, appearance, etc. are up to the international standard.
Saudi Arabia’s phytosanitary authority had set quality specification of European standard for allowing import of G4 Green Chilly from India. APEDA has advised exporters to follow the strict guidelines of international standard for exports of Fresh G4 Green Chilly from India. AD International follow the same standard set by APEDA.
Farm Fresh Green Chilly are available throughout the year. Maharashtra is one of the largest exporters of G4 fresh green chilly. Our pricing always remain competitive to keep a long-term business relationship with our valuable clients. Buyers of Indian farm Fresh G4 Green Chilly are Asian, GCC, European and Australian Countries.
AD International are one of the prominent suppliers of Farm Fresh Lime Nationally and Internationally in India. We deliver premium quality Fresh Lime packed in food grade bags approved by APEDA. We source farm fresh Lime direct from GlobalGAP certified, trusted & reliable farmers of Maharashtra. The farm Fresh Lime that we supply is stored and packed in state of the art well-ventilated MSAMB's warehouse and packhouse. We maintain high quality standards and ensure that various crucial parameters such as freshness, purity, taste, appearance, etc. are up to the international standard.
Farm Fresh Lime are available throughout the year. Maharashtra is one of the largest exporters of Fresh Lime. Our pricing always remain competitive to keep a long-term business relationship with our valuable clients. Buyers of Indian farm Lime are Asian, GCC, European and Australian Countries.
Phytosanitary authority had set quality specification of European standard for allowing import of Fresh Lime from India. APEDA has advised exporters to follow the strict guidelines of international standard for exports of Fresh Lime from India. AD International follow the same standard set by APEDA.